How To Check Valves Without Removing The Head

Are You Suspecting Your Engine Of Bent Valves But Want To Avoid Spending Unnecessary Amounts Of Money?
If you are suspecting your vehicle of a bent valve, or maybe your vehicle has recently been diagnosed- additional mechanical failure and further expenses can become extremely overwhelming thoughts to deal with. However, in this article we will explain how to determine whether your vehicle is showing signs of a bent valve and how to inspect for faults without having to visit a mechanic. Read more about the signs down below to confirm how many you may be experiencing,and then how to successfully remove your engine's head at home.
What Are The Common Signs & Symptoms that Indicate Bent Valves In Your Vehicle's Engine ?
When a valve bends it becomes almost impossible to avoid additional repairs that usually cost more than the valves. Read more to identify why your vehicle may be experiencing these types of problems:
1. Illuminating Engine Light.
Bent valves inevitably end up in further mechanical complications that are usually sensor detected. With this being said, valves are not considered as part of the electrical components. A common example of misfiring can be displayed on your vehicle's dashboard.
2. Poor Performance.
In order to perform the expected combustion execution, your vehicle's valves should open and close at the correct functional time. However, when your vehicle has a bent valve, performing this task becomes highly impossible.This means that the surrounding parts will then begin to work in order to compensate for a bent valve.
3. Rowdy Engine.
Unfortunately by now you may have realised that belt valves usually mean additional mechanical damage. Misfiring is commonly experienced when a valve is bent- this is usually an indication of a damaged timing belt. A damaged timing belt for a mere example, can impact the engine in terms of average every day performance. If you are agreeing along the way as you read, then you must surely confirm to have heard unsettling noises from your vehicle's engine as well.
When You Are Certain That You Are Dealing With Bent Valves, The Next Step Would Be To Perform An Inspection And Preparation For The Necessary Repairs And Replacement.
DIY Tutorial: How To Check Valves Without Removing The Head At Home.
Your vehicle's valves are responsible for providing the appropriate amount of pressure in order to perform the correct combustion method. Testing your vehicle's valve compression can easily detect without having to remove the head- this can avoid you from unnecessary hassles and more especially money.
What Are The Tools Required To Perform A Compression Test?
- Compression Tester And Kit
- Socket
- Spark Plugs Socket
- Ratchet
- Wrench
Step 1: In order to perform testing it is important to prevent the engine from switching on. If you have an older vehicle you can locate the distributor coil and start by disabling the coil as current is still present. If your vehicle has spark plug wires to remove, it is important to make a record of the wires before removing them. This is to ensure that replacement is performed correctly.
However, in newer model vehicles, you would need to locate the coil-on-plug and then gently remove each plug. You will be looking for the correct fuse that is responsible for your vehicle's ignition system.
Step 2: You are now ready to start removing your engine's spark plugs by using a spark plug socket. This is to simply ensure that your vehicle's engine does not spin during compression testing.
Step 3: Inspect your compression test gauge to ensure that you are testing correctly in either diesel or petrol. However, if you are driving a diesel vehicle,it can be a little more tricky. You would first need to remove the glow plugs. This can be done by using a special adapter, refer to the available spark plug set up - this will now become the connection for testing. In this step it is important once again to make use of your notepad to carefully remember each cylinder reading.
Step 4: To finally perform the actual compression test, the engine of your vehicle requires to be cranked. Asking for a friend to assist during the test is not only convenient but avoids faults taken for granted that are done when working alone. Accelerate for a good couple of times for a fair reading- this certainly does help the testing more accurately.
Testing Result: After repeatedly testing the compression reading process, you should have a notepad with the various readings. If any of the readings result as an individual lower number or perhaps multiple low numbers- this is an indication of the highest pressure being exponentially higher in comparison to the lowest pressure cylinder. Each reading that proves as lower compression proves an inadequate valve functionality.
Allow your vehicle's engine to rest until you are able to purchase a new set of valves, along with the necessary parts. Although, if you solely rely upon your vehicle for all travel purposes - you can alternatively visit AfricaBoyz Online to sign up for home delivery. Choosing to drive your vehicle with a bent valve would not be a mechanically or financially sound choice. AfricaBoyz Online is established as a reputable retailer to assist in online car parts - continuously striving to match affordability on uncompromising quality.