Learn About The Most Common Volkswagen Water Pump Issues And More

If you're currently driving a Volkswagen and find yourself experiencing issues with your vehicle’s water pump, you may not necessarily understand where faults arise as a driver. Your vehicle’s usual mechanic, however, possesses the necessary knowledge, tips, and tricks for your motor vehicle.
Although, as comforting as this sounds, you have to admit that being left in the dark about your vehicle’s true mechanical condition and surviving massive pocket holes- can easily change this subtle feeling of comfort into betrayal…
So now that you’ve had a few seconds to ponder on the above- read below to learn the common water pump issues, while learning more about your vehicle’s water pump.
What Is A Water Pump, And How Does It Affect Your Volkswagen’s Overall Performance?
Your vehicle’s water pump- as the name suggests, is a mechanical device that is responsible for pumping water from the radiator to surrounding components. This creates a cycle in motion to ensure all necessary components remain at a constant/regular temperature during all weather conditions. Therefore, vehicle water pumps play an integral role in maintaining overall performance while ensuring expected performance.
Breakdown: What Are The Major Parts Of A Water Pump?
Your vehicle’s water pump consists of several smaller components which are then put together to make up the actual pump. Read below to learn the basic components of a water pump:
Body/ House
Spindle Bearing
Explaining Common Water Pump Failures Of Volkswagen Vehicles And Each Cause.
If you’re currently suspecting water pump failure within your vehicle’s engine system, or maybe want to learn the signs to avoid mechanical deterioration, listed below are the top three water pump issues according to Volkswagen drivers:
Corrosion/ Rust.
Identifying corrosion/ rust on your vehicle’s water pump may be an indication of contaminated coolant, a bad pressure cap, or even old age. However, malfunctioning water pumps usually become less effective, therefore increasing the possibility of overheating. Unfortunately, this results in cavitation, which then creates shock waves which typically lead to corrosion.
Coolant Leaks.
The gaskets and seals found within your vehicle’s water pump may be worn out, causing coolant to leak excessively. Typically coolant is secured from within your vehicle’s water pump by a series of seals and gaskets.
Steam From The Radiator.
A steaming radiator usually indicates overheating within your vehicle’s engine compartment- a result of insufficient coolant present within the water pump. However, a fully functional water pump acts as a security measure in order to hold the necessary coolant to avoid overheating.
What Are The Other Signs That Indicate A Poor Water Bottle?
Listed below are signs that may present themselves as an indication of a poor water bottle:
Whining Noises
Radiator steam
Leaking Coolant
Overheating Engine
Volkswagen Water Pump Issues: The FAQs About Your Vehicle’s Water Pump.
Q: Why is my car’s water pump leaking?
A: Water pumps are manufactured to hold the necessary coolant within your engine’s system, as the pump consists of seals and gaskets- to minimise any chances of leaks. However, with age and typical wear and tear- your vehicle’s water pump may need replacing asap. Water pumps can become dried out or cracked over time, be sure to regularly inspect your vehicle’s water pump, especially if you are suspecting failure.
Q: When Should I Replace My Water Pump?
A: Although water pumps are designed to run vehicles to a minimum of 100,000 miles- if you’re suspecting failure, it is vital to have your water pump properly diagnosed. This firstly avoids overheating, which can typically cause mechanical deterioration - meaning additional repair costs.
Q: Can My Vehicle’s Water Pump Catch On Fire?
A: Unfortunately yes. As surprising as that may seem, your vehicle’s water bottle includes wires- which make then makes this device a mechanical unit. Therefore, fire hazards and other complications are very much possible.
Q: How Do I Purchase The Correct Water Pump For My Vehicle?
A: Visit AfricaBoyz Online to browse through the latest parts and deals. Alternatively, WhatsApp/call to receive an obligation-free quote. AfricaBoyz Online prides itself in the necessary competence to locate the correct part, while still leading as one of South Africa’s number one car part suppliers.